

If you want to cancel your order before it has been shipped, you can do so by sending us an email to and we will send you a cancellation form. If the order is already on its way to you or is it being prepared for shipment, cancellation is no longer possible and you will have to return the order.

Returns / Exchanges

You have a 14-day reflection period to exchange or return your item!
The consumer has the right to inform the company that he is renouncing the purchase, without payment of a fine and without giving any reason within 14 calendar days from the day following the delivery of the good.

If something does not fit or you do not like it, you can always exchange it, ask for a shop check or request a refund of your paid money. This can easily be done by returning the package to our return address with the return form that you request via our email address (return can only be done with the return form). There are a few conditions:

The shipping costs to return the order are at the expense of the customer.
Returns or exchanges that you return later than 14 days after purchase will not be processed.
The original label must still be attached to the item
Indicate on the receipt or the supplied return slip whether you want to exchange for a different size or color. You can also indicate that you want your money back or want a shop check.
Clothing can only be returned unworn and not washed. If we find that the clothing has been worn, your return shipment will not be processed. Of course you can fit!
We also need your bank account number to refund amounts already paid (in advance). Customers from abroad must also state the IBAN and BIC number of their own bank.
Keep the receipt from the post office in a safe place.
We will reimburse all payments made by the consumer, excluding any delivery costs charged by us for the returned product, without delay but within 14 days following the day on which the consumer notifies him of the withdrawal (time of dissolution) or if it concerns a return the day of receipt of the package. The reimbursement is free of charge for the consumer.

Please keep the shipping receipt as we only make a refund on receipt of returned goods. Please send us any track and trace.

Our return address

Underwear for Men

Attn. Dimitri Goeman

Ouden Dendermondse steenweg 381

9300 Aalst


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